Blue ice came into existence as a division of a life science company in the year 1992. Initially catering to the captive needs of the company as products of passive cold chain management were hard to find in India, except for the ubiquitous EPS (thermocol) boxes.
Though it started offering products to external buyers the division was not focused on commercial exploitation.
It took almost 15yrs to hive-off this division to a new company, BLUE ICE CTC PACKAGINGS PVT LTD.
To be a leading and trusted supplier of temperature controlledthermal packaging at most affordable prices to pharmaceuticals, biotech, lifesciences, clinical research and food industry.
Blue Ice is dedicated to; helping our customers identify effective solutions for their temperature sensitive packaging needs & design and manufacture, highest quality, most effective and efficient thermal packaging solutions.
Our goal is to meet your cold chain requirement with perfect solution and simplifying the process. Understanding your needs & matching them with our off the shelf products or designing cost effective customized thermal solutions.